Thursday, November 8, 2007

Did you see it?!?

Today at approx 11:50 AM, I had chance to step outside the school building and witness something incredible! The space shuttle passed over on its way to land at the KSC in Florida. The truly amazing thing is I went inside and 5 minutes later was watching a live broadcast of the shuttle approaching the space center! In less than 20 minutes after watching in the sky here in the middle of the United States, I watched the shuttle come to a complete stop on the runway at Kennedy Space Center! It blows my mind how far technology has brought us and where it is leading us into the future!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Awesome. That had to be so cool! It's amazing isn't it, how far we've come? Thanks for the great work you've done so far. It's people like you that will take this profession to the next level.

Now, go change the title so that it reflects who you are!