Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wiki, Whata?

I'm exploring the world of wikis. I can see the benefits of this web 2.0 tool. After struggling through the learning process for creating a web site, I can appreciate the idea of creating a web page that isn't as complicated! I like that more than one person is in control in the development of the page. Wikis are easy to update by allowing everyone to contribute. This responsibility doesn't fall on just one person who may or may not ever get around to updating.

There are many applications for the wikis. The media centers may use wikis to provide links for various research subjects, conduct book reviews and summaries, list community events and workshops, exchange ideas and information, and conduct conferences. The tech facilitator may use wikis to bring the latest tech news to the faculty, staff, and students, conduct workshops and conferences, list technical information, allow faculty and staff to exchange ideas and information. The sky's the limit!

I ran across a great video that explains how wikis can be used. Please take a minute to see this video, "Wikis in Plain English."

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